Wellness Package FAQ

I’ll cover the most frequently asked questions below, but feel free to call or send me an email if something isn’t covered and you have further questions.

What are the things that make you a good fit for working with Briana?

  • Excellent grasp of English. Medical English is more complex than conversational English and I need to be sure that we both understand our sessions together.
  • You are committed to getting better and do your best to implement the strategies formulated for you.
  • You understand that chronic illness is usually complicated and occasionally you may feel worse before you feel better. During this time you will communicate your experiences with me, so that we can work together to find solutions.
  • You have sufficient financial resources to cover supplements, herbs and remedies. I know Lyme is a financially crippling disease for many people and I do my best to source and recommend budget friendly options and to give you discounts where it’s possible, but most clients spend around $300 each month on supplements until their lyme is in remission.

What do you get when working with Bri?

  • No travel required! Lyme package appointments are available via video or voice on skype. Clients with lower internet speeds usually prefer the voice option
  • An initial consultation to review your history, symptoms, lifestyle, existing tests and start formulating your treatment plan.
  • Follow-up appointments that you may schedule as you need them to adjust your treatments and implement your next steps.
  • Response to emails within 24 hours with the exception of Sundays and Mondays which are my days off.
  • Naturopathic solutions include; herbal, nutritional, homeopathic, remedies. Referrals to other modalities such as kinesiologists or massage therapists and recommendations for therapy’s such as infra-red saunas, hyperbaric oxygen, intravenous nutrients or enemas.
  • If necessary I may request further testing to help streamline your protocol, however most decisions will be based on clinical presentation to prevent unnecessary and expensive testing.
  • Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays are the current days that I consult. This may change in the future, but the timezone and needs of my existing clients is carefully considered before any changes are made. The current times offer appointment options that are suitable for clients in New Zealand, Australia, Europe and America.
  • There are a very limited number of packages available at any one time, so that your treatment and wellness is the priority.

Package terms and conditions *updated 14/5/21 6.32pm AWST

  1. How does billing work? Once you select your package, the booking software will take you to the secure payment gateway STRIPE and your card will be debited with the first payment. Your stored card will be debited again each month until you cancel it.
  2. How do I schedule my appointment? After your payment is processed, you will receive an email within 5 minutes that contains your unique package code and a link to make your first appointment. You continue to use this code to schedule and amend all your further package bookings.
  3. If you have purchased the course, this email will also contain your coupon code to use to access the Biotoxin Breakthrough home study modules. You have lifetime access to the learning modules for as long as I offer it and certain factors outside my control- such as the Thinkific hosting platform are still operational.
  4. Can I cancel my package? Sure can. The appointments that you’ve already had are calculated at their retail rate and any extra funds required to cover them are deducted from your stored card. Eg: you’ve paid $499 for the course and initial consult ($360) you’ve also had an extra follow up appointment ($125). I’ll charge your stored card for the follow up appointment only and you get to keep lifetime access to the course. 
  5. If you need to vary the terms of the package that you have agreed to, email briana@healthyforlife.com so that mutually agreeable terms can be negotiated. In certain unforeseeable instances, such as hospitalisation, your agreement may be paused and resumed, Briana can do this in the admin panel.
  6. We reserve the right to offer new packages at any time and vary the terms or cease to sell any of the existing packages. We will always honour your existing package and communicate any relevant changes to you via email so that you may make the decision that best suits you.
  7. If I need to reschedule your appointment for any reason (sickness, unforeseen circumstances etc) you will be offered the option to re-book in a reasonable time frame and will not miss out on your allocated appointment.
  8. If you need to reschedule an appointment, a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to the appointment time is required or the appointment will be forfeited
  9. Package deals and appointments are not transferable.
  10. Briana has Sunday’s and Monday’s off. Only emergency emails and phone calls will be responded to on those days.
  11. Briana Gunn Naturopathy and Healthy for Life 2021 is the legal owner and author of the material in The Biotoxin Breakthrough Method©. Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on the course website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner. The Australian Copyright Act allows certain uses of content from the internet without the copyright owner’s permission. This includes uses by educational institutions and by Commonwealth and State governments, provided fair compensation is paid. For more information, see www.copyright.com.au and www.copyright.org.au. The owners of copyright in the content on this website may receive compensation for the use of their content by educational institutions and governments, including from licensing schemes managed by Copyright Agency. We may change these terms of use from time to time. Check before re-using any content from this website.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Or book a free 15 minute discovery call so that we can discuss your health and our suitability for working together.

I look forward to getting to know you and working with you to meet your health goals.

X Bri

Historic terms and conditions prior to 14/5/21 at 6.32pm AWST
  1. How does billing work? Once you select your package, the booking software will take you to the secure payment gateway STRIPE and your card will be debited with the first payment. Your stored card will be debited again monthly for the remainder of the plan.
  2. How do I schedule my appointment? After your payment is processed, you will receive an email within 5 minutes that contains your unique package code and a link to make your first appointment. You continue to use this code to schedule and amend all your further package bookings.
  3. Can I cancel my package? There is only a very limited number of packages available at any one time, so that I can focus on you and your health journey. When you select a package, you are committing to 6 months with me as your primary naturopathic provider.
  4. If you need to vary the terms of the package that you have agreed to, email briana@healthyforlife.com so that mutually agreeable terms can be negotiated. In certain unforeseeable instances, such as hospitalisation, your agreement may be paused and resumed. If you choose to cancel your package, any consults already used will be deducted at full price from the balance prior to refund and your stored credit card will be charged if there are any outstanding amounts owed. Initial 90 minute consults are valued at $360, follow-ups at $120, emails at $15 each (excluding emails relating to the cancellation)
  5. We reserve the right to offer new packages at any time and vary the terms or cease to sell any of the existing packages. We will always honour your existing package and communicate any relevant changes to you via email so that you may make the decision that best suits you.
  6. If I need to reschedule your appointment for any reason (sickness, unforeseen circumstances etc) you will be offered the option to re-book in a reasonable time frame and will not miss out on your allocated appointment.
  7. If you need to reschedule an appointment, a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to the appointment time is required or the appointment will be forfeited.
  8. Package deals and appointments are not transferable.

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