How to prevent adverse vaccine reactions

After spending 8 months researching vaccine safety and efficacy for my dissertation I observed some patterns forming; recommendations from experts, comments from parents, outcomes from research, things that help to prevent adverse reactions to vaccines.

What you need to know:

  1. Never vaccinate a child who is already poorly or teething. Simply delay until they are well and their immune system is at full capacity before introducing further substances that the immune system needs to react to.
  2. Never give Paracetamol or Ibuprofen after vaccination as these drugs prevent the body from making Glutathione, which is the body’s major detoxification and antioxidant substance. Vaccines contain high levels of toxic adjuvants such as aluminium and preservatives such as formaldehyde to change the immune response. Ideally you want this stuff out of the body after it’s achieved its purpose so that it doesn’t cross into the brain and other important tissues and cause harm. (The blood brain barrier is permeable until around the age of two)
  3. Always give high dose vitamin C as an antioxidant for a few days before and after vaccination.
  4. Where possible be selective about the vaccines you need based on your risk profile and your local environment and exposures.
  5. Where possible delay vaccinations. When Japan raised the minimum vaccination age to two their SIDS rates plummeted. When they resumed the schedule followed by America, UK and Australia their SIDS rates re-aligned with ours. Allowing the blood brain barrier to close helps to keep toxins out of the brain and prevent adverse reactions.


There are some other factors that have been observed by clinicians and families who are exposed to vaccine damage:

Please carefully consider your decision to vaccinate if your child has had a previous adverse vaccine reaction. Until the 1990’s the vaccine handouts given to Doctors and included in Med School training stated that any adverse reaction was a reason to discontinue vaccination. The current recommendation is only to vary the vaccination schedule if there is a significant adverse reaction to that particular vaccine. Countless families have told me that the vaccine reactions were progressively worse each round before they culminated into their child’s catastrophic health event.

My empirical observations have also found that families with a history of autoimmune diseases or significant gut dysfunction also have higher rates of adverse vaccine reactions.

Dr Amy Yasko has found that certain genetic configurations and mutations have higher incidence of adverse reactions. She has found a high correlation between homozygous mutations in:

  • MTHFR A1298C
  • CBS C677T
  • NAT2
  • GAD
  • HLA

And adverse reactions to vaccines. Please consult a knowledgeable practitioner for more information and to determine whether decoding your genes would be useful to you. Because of this genetic component to vaccine damage, if a sibling has suffered a vaccine reaction please carefully consider the benefits to vaccinating a different sibling.

Any questions?

X Bri





4 thoughts on “How to prevent adverse vaccine reactions

  1. Cass says:

    My daughter has to have the jabs to be able to work. She does not want it. What protocols can she follow before and after to help her body fight the mRNA and heavy metal poisoning? Thank you for any help you can give me. Cass.

    • Briana Gunn- Naturopath says:

      Hi Cass, it’s a big issue right now and ongoing boosters will continue to complicate this problem.
      Can you please book one of my free 15 minute consults and I’ll go over some options with her that are tailored to her.
      Best regards,
      X Bri

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